Sydney Gets a $35m Bike Ramp While Orange Gets Potholes

Reports surfaced in the Sydney Morning Herald today of a $35 million bike path being built in Sydney, while roads in Orange still need more work.


Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Member for Orange Philip Donato called for more roads funding for the Orange electorate after reports in the Sydney Morning Herald of $35 million being spent on a 200-metre bicycle ramp in Sydney.

"The National Party is too city-focused, and that's evident from today's announcement for a multi-million dollar, 200 metre cycleway in Sydney by National Party Roads Minister Duncan Gay," Mr Donato said.

"Sydney is getting a $35 million bike path while the Orange electorate has plenty of roads that need fixing. 

"Just a fraction of that money could go a long way in rural areas where it's needed most.  The first thing that many people in my electorate have said to me as their number one issue are our roads.

"While some of our roads received funding as part of flood-relief, many more have been left untouched.  Existing roads funding is welcome, but clearly more needs to be done: that's shown by how often people bring it up with me across Orange, Parkes and Forbes.

"Plenty of promises for road funding were also made during the Orange by-election, and I will hold the Government to their word on every cent."


Mr Donato said that given the State Government's economic situation, there should be plenty of money for rural roads.

"While the Baird Government is talking up it's financial record, that shows me that there should be plenty left in the bank for rural roads.  If there's $35 million for a Sydney bike path, then there's surely spare funds for rural roads - especially in my electorate of Orange."

"Duncan Gay said that he wants this $35 million to create the 'best cycleway in the world', well I want to see Orange have the best roads in the Central West."

Download Philip Donato's press release.