Fast and faulty

The fast-tracking of planning processes by Government could mean new developments are full of defects if two bills, currently before Parliament, are not dealt with according to the leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party, Robert Borsak.

The government, on the one hand justifiably wants to fast track building and infrastructure development so that they aid in the economic recovery of the NSW Economy. It shouldn’t be at the expense of home buyers because the government refuses to fast track proper new building regulations and power for a Building Commissioner.

The bills, to be put to the Parliament, will set a head of powers and regulations for the building industry and will deal with compliance and enforcement. They are the Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Bill 2020 and The Design and Building Practitioners Bill 2019.

“These bills need to be dealt with as a matter of urgency before fast-tracked and defected developments start going up,” said Mr Borsak.

“This can and should be done on May 12 when the Parliament returns, even if we have to sit on the May 13 as well. Why is the government dodging this good legislation?

Mr Borsak, is Deputy Chair of the inquiry into the regulation of building standards, building quality and building disputes. He has said the inquiry and the subsequent bills were a response to the publicity around the cracking of the two multi-storey buildings in Sydney, the Opal Tower at Homebush and Mascot Towers.

“These buildings were constructed without proper oversight. This legislation will change that; it will force the registration of engineers and make developers accountable for their dodgy work.

“What we have heard in the first part of this inquiry is that there are defected buildings all over New South Wales. The issue is not restricted to just Opal and Mascot Towers.

“If these bills are not dealt with immediately, this Government will own all the new dodgy building and development in this state.

“We have the opportunity to get these bills through on May 12, and I urge the Government to support us in making these a priority.

“We do not need to learn the Opal Tower lesson again, we need to act,” said Mr Borsak.