Donato Fires-Back on Forced Police LAC Mergers

Forced amalgamations of Local Councils didn't work, so why is it a good idea for Police?

Philip Donato MP

Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Member for Orange Philip Donato today fired-back at Police Minister Troy Grant for the uncertainty surrounding a shake-up of rural Police resources.

“Rural Police Officers and Police Stations are vital – and as a former Police Officer myself, I don’t see how the uncertainty created over staffing is any help to the community,” Mr Donato said.

“This restructure of middle management, Inspectors, Superintendents, and unsworn officers is nothing more than an attempt at a forced amalgamation of Police Local Area Commands. It didn’t work for Local Councils, so why is it going to work for Police? 

“Gundagai's forced Council amalgamation is costing the community more now than before the amalgamation. I fear the same will happen with this merger.

“This was attempted in Western Australia and it simply did not work. The Government ended up spending more money in the long run than they were saving, and Police numbers were cut. 

“What concerns me is that this plan affects the support staff that frontline Police Officer rely on. These are the people that allow Police to be Police.

“Police Inspectors, Superintendents, and unsworn officers provide decades of experience, knowledge and support to the Police Officers working under them.

“Any cuts to support staff at rural Police Stations is effectively a cut to frontline Police because the work they do will be passed from one group to another.

“I call on Police Minister Troy Grant to guarantee that there will be no cuts to frontline Police Officers, middle management, Inspectors, Superintendents, and unsworn officers under his proposed Police LAC mergers.

“I oppose any job cuts in rural areas, and that’s what this Police LAC merger is.”

Download Philip Donato's press release here.