Firearms Registry Has Questions to Answer in Tragedy
Current firearms regulations should have prevented a tragedy in Sydney last week, but instead Police Commissioner Mick Fuller and Minister Troy Grant are trying to protect the New South Wales Police Firearms Registry.

Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party MLC Robert Borsak has today pointed the finger at Police Minister Troy Grant and Commissioner Mick Fuller for scapegoating law abiding firearms owners, as they contemplate a response to last week’s tragedy involving two teenage siblings and their father.
“This was an unimaginable tragedy that no parent should have to face,” Mr Borsak said.
“My heart goes out to the mother and her family at this time.
“On face value, I believe that the New South Wales Police Firearms Registry has a lot of questions to answer, but this is being drowned-out by the Police Minister and the Commissioner as they try and manipulate the message and scapegoat law abiding shooters.
“We are told that the Police will issue a report on events surrounding these terrible deaths and the Government will consider a response.
“I call on the Government to make the investigation independently of the New South Wales Police Force and to guarantee the findings will be made public.
“The last thing we want is the agency potentially responsible for any oversights investigating itself, then hiding the findings from public view.”
With Gun Control Australia calling for another review of firearms licensing law, Mr Borsak says part of the problem is a lack of communication, over regulation and too much bureaucracy within the Firearms Registry.
“For the average licensed firearm owner or sporting shooter who does the right thing, dealing with the Firearms Registry is a nightmare.
“Tighter and more regulation will not prevent tragedies like this occurring when the system currently in place is not being followed. The Police Firearms Registry is in complete disarray.
“Staff cutbacks and a mooted further reduction of 30 staff and the failed three-year computer system upgrade has caused a breakdown of the Registry. This makes it possible for someone who has been refused a license with a previous expired AVO, to obtain one, despite procedures that should have prevented him getting one.
“How did this man obtain two permits to acquire firearms from the New South Wales Police Firearms Registry with such a background?
“Law abiding firearms owners should not be punished because of failure within the Police Firearms Registry caused by rampant cost cutting.
“Current regulations and checks on lawful firearms ownership should have prevented this tragedy.”