Government Gambling with our Regions
The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party have today reacted to the Governments planned introduction of a gambling card saying low tech solutions should be the answer rather than fallible and hackable cloud-based solutions.
"This smart technology is no magic bullet to fix problem gambling addiction and behaviour in our State," said leader of the SFF, Robert Borsak.
"The reality is that this isn't about 'problem gambling,' it's about more overreach by big government using big data technology as their weapon of choice.
"Why not introduce an NSW smart ID card to expand the reach of government? Then you can track everyone on our beaches, on our roads and our footpaths.
"Why not go the whole hog Mr Dominello, like communist China, and introduce the New South Wales social credit system?
"Where does it end?" Mr Borsak said sarcastically.
The SFF believe that the tightening up of the Responsible Conduct of Gambling certification is all that is required to back up existing laws.
There are hundreds and thousands of jobs in jeopardy if this legislation goes through, it will wipe out many of our rural and regional clubs' primary source of income, and they will be unable to pay their employees.
The Covid19 pandemic has already put rural and regional pubs and clubs on the line. The gambling card will put them further at risk; compliance would cost anywhere up to $1.0 billion, for the 95,000 poker machines in the state.
The economic impact on NFL and AFL sporting clubs, on community RSLs, bowling clubs, country pubs and their community support activities will be devastating.
"The clubs and pubs of this state are reeling," said Mr Borsak.
"Many may not survive post Covid19, and now we have this thought bubble from the Minister looking to prop up his technology base in big government.
"He is stitching up the Left-wing, wowser, nanny parties in the Upper House of the NSW parliament.
"Where are the Nationals on this? Why aren't they standing up for the bush?
"It's a crazy idea using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut. More regulation will see further job loss in every region.
"The Nationals as always are late to the party when it comes to defending the bush from the predations of their Sydney based bosses, the Liberals," said Mr Borsak.