Nationals in Bed with The Greens on Greyhound Racing Ban
Once more, The Nationals don't have the ticker to stand up to their Liberal Party Coalition partner on a contentious rural issue.
There's only one party that's not afraid to stand up for the bush against the a Liberal Party Premier, and that's the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party.
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party MLC Robert Borsak called on National Party MPs to stand up to Premier Mike Baird and reverse the decision to shut down the greyhound industry from July 2017.
“Greyhound racing is everything for so many people, particularly in regional New South Wales: it forms part of their way of life,” Mr Borsak said.
"This ban was proposed because Mike Baird is pandering to The Greens' agenda to ban everything, and the Nationals – by their usual silence – refuse to stand up for rural communities against their Coalition partner.
"The Nationals are in bed with The Greens.
“Of course the greyhound racing industry is in need of serious reform, given the breaches of animal welfare, but a blanket ban is not the solution.
“This is too much, too soon for the thousands of responsible owners and trainers who contribute to a billion dollar industry.
“People in the industry are coming to grips with the harsh reality of having their livelihoods ripped from underneath them, they want to help reform the industry, not be shut down
“Good people, willing and able to assist the government in cleaning up the greyhound’s industry, have been denied the opportunity to do so.
“The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party stands side by side with responsible greyhound owners and trainers in their fight against this draconian decision.
"We're the only representatives for rural and regional New South Wales who are willing to stand up against the Mike Baird on contentious issues, unlike The Nationals.
"We will campaign tirelessly to have this decision reversed. We welcome the chance to work with the government to set right the wrongs in an industry that has suffered from a lack of revenue share, good governance and political interference over the last 20 years."