Net Zero Reliability from Kean's Green New Deal

Inner-city Minister, Matt Kean's NSW Energy Infrastructure Roadmap will continue New South Wales' march towards an unreliable and higher cost energy network.  

Speaking today after the release of the Policy, the leader of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, Robert Borsak believes this is a smoke and mirrors Policy.

"It's New South Wales' version of the Green New Deal," said Mr Borsak.

"This Policy will replace our reliable base-load power with intermittent energy sources driving up prices and driving down reliability.  

"We'll be a state of blackouts and budget blowouts.

"This policy aims to make inner-city elites feel good about their energy while country NSW has their farmland converted to 'renewable energy zones' of Chinese made solar panels and unsightly wind farms," said Mr Borsak.  

In a move that Mr Borsak labelled as 'typical', National Party leader John Barilaro has come out in full support of the Policy.  

"John Barilaro has shown that the Nationals are truly just Liberal lapdogs," Mr Borsak said.

"They've fallen into line as they did on greyhounds, council amalgamations, marine parks and a long list of other green policies that hurt the people of rural and regional NSW.  

"There has been no attempt to provide reliable and affordable power," he said. 

The Policy has been released at a time when reliable coal-fired generators supply more than 80% of the power in NSW.  

Mr Borsak believes the Policy creates an uneven playing field. Rewarding intermittent renewables with taxpayer-funded, underwritten power prices, disadvantaging cheap and reliable forms of energy.

"The reality is that battery technology cannot support NSW's energy demands, let alone provide a cost-effective energy solution for large industrial users," said Mr Borsak. 

"I don't believe the spin about jobs and investment either, how many people does it take to service a wind or solar farm once they're built? Not bloody many! 

"The Policy is touted to give 'Renewable Energy Zone' investors "long-term revenue certainty".  

"This is code for guaranteed income for clients of city-based lobbyists from your tax dollars. You can bet that the taxpayer money poured into these projects won't be spent in regions," said Mr Borsak.  

Click here to download a copy of the Press Release.