Newsletter March 2022
You may have heard there will be a Federal election this May 2022.
Now is not the time to be complacent. Now is the time for your voice to be heard, to be represented in Federal parliament.
SFF aim (with your assistance) to make the biggest push for Tasmanian Senate seats. To provide you a real voice in parliament pushing for real solutions, a realistic voice representing your needs as a regional state on the big platform. You have told us you no longer want to be ignored, to be governed by city centric politics.
So if you are tired listening to career politician’s empty promises, and simple platitudes, then help SFF Senate Team, Ray Williams, Carlo Difalco & Brenton Jones, become elected 1,2,3.
Together if we unite and Act now we can make a realistic change for the betterment of Tasmanians, for you and your family. Please show your Support in any way you can
I talk to many people who ask what can they do to assist. Please consider making a donation to the campaign, or assisting with the installation of core flutes on your property or maybe your trailer or truck.
Donate to assist with advertising
BSB 087250
Account 908696167
Display a core flute
Call numbers listed.
Ray Williams 0418 124 171
Carlo Di Falco 0439 709 7000
Brenton Jones 0428 116 601
Deliver flyers - at markets, sports grounds or in your area.
Please feel free to contact me, to see how you can help today
Lorraine Bennett
Meet our candidates
Ray Williams, a respected businessman who has enjoyed a lifelong involvement in hunting and fishing activities also a family and friends connection with farmers and a strong advocate for community banking to support rural and regional communities.
Carlo Di Falco, who is keen to protect many of the outdoor pursuits which have been slowly but surely squeezed by urban-centric politicians with no understanding of the importance that these pursuits have to rural residents and urbanites that enjoy the wide-open spaces.

Brenton Jones, who is an active volunteer community member. He enjoys recreational fishing, learning new things and mucking around in his workshop. Brenton is campaigning as he feels compelled to do all he can to combat the deterioration of Australia and our quality of life.
Message to all shooters, Fishers and Farmers in Tasmania. Your vote for SFF Tas can stop this happening in Tasmania!
SIFA - Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia
The mere possession of a firearm schematic will become illegal in Western Australia.
The Bill establishes a new offence (amongst a multitude of other draconian changes), with a penalty of 10 years imprisonment for possessing:
- any type of digital or electronic reproduction of a technical drawing of the design of a firearm (including hard copies),
- any digital or electronic plan, drawing, instruction, template or computer program for the manufacture or repair of a firearm (including hard copies)
SIFA is continuing to lobby Government MP’s and we are working with the limited opposition hoping to push some amendments, however given the lack of balance in the WA parliament we are not expecting to be successful.
This really is your last chance! We implore you to get in touch with your local MLA and MLC and let them know how these law changes will affect you!