No thought for Farmers in Treasurers Property Tax Reform

The Treasurer has refused to answer questions from Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party leader Robert Borsak MKC who asked if farmers will still receive tax exemptions under a proposed new property tax.  

In a Budget Estimates hearing, the Treasurer appeared before Mr Borsak, who asked if his Government would levy a property tax on intergenerational transfers of family farming properties under the new property tax reform proposed in last Novembers Budget. 

"The Treasurer could not answer yes or no if farmers would have to pay property tax on an intergenerational farm transfer under the proposed new policy," said Mr Borsak. 

"Instead, he told me nothing was off the table, and everything was being considered. 

"The Treasurer can filibuster to me all he likes; this property tax will be a death blow to a lot of young people who want to stay on and continue production on the family farm. 

"It is hard enough to stop the sale of family farms and the drift of young people off the land. 

"The NSW Treasurer should not be encouraging it. 

"Rather than supporting our remote, rural and regional areas with tax breaks for farmers, the Government is merely adding another annual cost. 

"It is unfair those that have suffered through drought, bushfires and Covid19 should now be burdened with another layer of red tape and cost. 

"This Government is clearly looking for ways to prop up the dire financial situation they have put NSW in because of wasteful spending," said Borsak. 

Download a copy of the media release here.

View our Property Tax Policy here.