Our Guiding Philosophy
The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party is committed to the protection of our freedoms, our rights and our culture, for generations to come. This guiding philosophy has underpinned the development of our party since its inception in 1992 and it continues to be the source of inspiration for the work that we do for all Australians. Unless we safeguard our Freedoms, Rights and Culture, Australia as we know it cannot provide the prosperity that we all take for granted.
Whether it is the freedom of speech, freedom of association, or our freedom of religious belief, freedom should form the cornerstone of Australia’s democracy. Sadly, these basic freedoms are continually being eroded by Governments and by the political class removed from the day-to-day realities of the life of ordinary citizens.
Our freedoms should be enshrined as basic rights, in which every Australian is able to live without undue and unnecessary Government intrusion. We assert the right to farm free from oppressive green and red tape. We respect common sense in the execution of our rights and truth in Government.
We honour our Australian way of life including our ancient heritage, western culture, and pluralistic democracy. We will protect our hunting fishing and farming cultures for future generations.