nsw bushfires

We want to give farmers and landholders whose properties adjoin National Parks and Reserves the right to conduct small controlled burns. 

Party Leader Robert Borsak MLC will be introducing a Bill to give residents with homes neighbouring National Parks and Reserves the right to back burn, "creating fire breaks to protect their properties, houses, stock, fencing and machinery".

While Government ministers fight over who is to blame, SFF are offering practical solutions we know will reduce the chance of megafire. 

If our policy had been adopted years ago, we would never have seen such tragedies as the Wambelong fire in 2013, and the large amount of devastation we are seeing now.

This Government is more concerned about pleasing the Greens and bureaucrats than protecting lives and properties. 

Our policy is preventative rather than reactive. 

With your support and powerful voice we can make this happen. 

Sign our petition today if you want to see this Bill become Law! 

Who's signing

Paul Samulski
Stephen Muir
Kierin Fitzpatrick
Daryl Coggan
Jeremy Kelly
Barry Hunter
Alison Obree
wayne kember
Bruce Myers
Peter Woods
Chris Kropp
Laurie Banks
Peter Richards
Chris Hampton
Karl Weatherley
steve smith
Steve McDonald
Raymond Palmer
Sandra Elliot
Darren Ryan
Barry Stewart
Tony Refalo
Melinda Mullen
Kylie Belmonte
Rob Chant
Christina Percival
Kristie Baxter
Ioannis Kontogiorgakis
Phil Cooksey
Christina Forrest
67 signatures


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