CRUSHED: Orange's Container Deposit Dreams
The Government's container deposit scheme will just cost country people more this Christmas because most won't be able to use it.
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Member for Orange Philip Donato today hit back at Minister Gabrielle Upton’s container deposit scheme mess, branding it as another example of people in the bush wearing the cost for something that benefits the city.
“People in the bush will be paying more at Christmas time to fund a container deposit scheme that they cannot access,” Mr Donato said.
“This failure of a container deposit scheme is a complete mess for so many reasons.
“There are no container deposit locations in my electorate, with the closest being at either Wellington or Cowra – that’s a long way to travel to get a 10 cent refund.
"My electorate is not alone in being overlooked. The Government's own online map of the scheme shows 223 deposit locations in Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong and the coast, and only 27 locations in the rest of rural New South Wales.
"Why is the bush being overlooked once again?
“People won’t receive cash reimbursements for cans and bottles collected, but instead will receive shopping vouchers for Woolworths and other major businesses.
Small businesses have been overlooked for obtaining collection point machines in favour of major supermarkets.
“Only a limited range of cans and bottles will be accepted under this scheme. Also, any items that are either crushed or have the labels removed will be rejected.
"Something as simple as a dent or scratch could make a can or bottle ineligible for the 10 cent refund.
“What the Government has done is taken a good idea and turned it into a farce.
"I've tried to get information directly from Minister Upton on this container deposit scheme, but she's provided nothing of use to anybody.
“Since prices have started rising since November 1 for a scheme that will only start this Friday on December 1, we’re already paying for it.
“I’m sick of country people being forced to pay for city mistakes.”