Powerhouse Museum Documents Disappeared?
Despite saying in Parliament that the Government has the business case for relocating the Powerhouse Museum, Minister Harwin and the Premier told the Parliament they have no documents relating to it.
A furious Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party MLC Robert Borsak responded to the Government's return of documents relating to the Powerhouse Museum relocation after a call-for-papers by the Legislative Council on April 12.
Mr Borsak is Chair of a Parliamentary inquiry into Museums and Galleries, examining the proposed relocation of the Powerhouse Museum from Ultimo to Parramatta.
The Department of Premier and Cabinet, Office of Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Office of Arts Minister Don Harwin, Department of Planning and Environment, and Infrastructure New South Wales each returned a letter saying they had no documents in their possession.
"When we're hearing privately that the Powerhouse Museum relocation decision is before Cabinet, it astounds me that there are no documents being produced by the Government in response to the Call-for-Papers by the Upper House.
"The Government said they received a business case before December so they must have it or you have to call them liars.
"When is Arts Minister Don Harwin going to come clean about this fiasco, and abandon this attempt at porkbarrelling Parramatta?
"Minister Harwin and his Government should adopt the interim recommendations of my Parliamentary inquiry once a business case is actually produced.
"There is no reason not to have a world-class museum or arts facility in Parramatta but that does not mean the destruction of the Powerhouse Museum campus in Ultimo.
"Gladys Berejiklian's Government must come clean now otherwise they have lost all credibility on this issue."
Download Robert Borsak's press release (and the Government documents) here.