Social distancing a breeze on paintball field
Following the announcement by the premier that isolation restrictions will be eased from May 1st, Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Member for Orange, Phil Donato believes that should include a return to outdoor activities, like paintball.
“The idea of paintball is to stay well away from others on the playing field. Social distancing is the aim of the game here, and it is easy to do on the massive playing fields.
“There should be no issues with paintball facilities returning to business, provided they adhere to health orders.
“The return of social interactions, like a game of paintball, for many, means a return to positive mental health,” said Mr Donato.
The announcement by the premier outlined where the easing of restrictions would apply; two adults and their dependents can now visit friends and family. There will be an increase in activity around the retail sector, and schools will begin a staggered return to face-to-face teaching.
“Paintball is low-risk in comparison to many businesses and activities that have received the all-clear from government, like golf.
“Paintball facilities can quickly revert to pre-isolation measures that were in place.
“Measures like a reduction in the number of people allowed on the playing field at any time, PPE for all staff members and the high-pressured hot water and disinfectant cleaning of equipment.
“Paintball is an excellent form of physical activity and is beneficial for your mental health; I know many that use this activity to de-stress which is something we could all use during these testing times,” said Mr Donato.