Statement: Orange By-Election

The following is a statement from the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party concerning the Orange by-election.

Philip Donato

Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party candidate for the Orange by-election Philip Donato will be in Orange tomorrow for the declaration of the election result.

The NSW Electoral Commission's representatives have advised us that a result is expected to be declared at the Orange Returning Office by 5:00pm on November 17.

The location of the Orange Returning Office is: 123 - 125 Moulder Street, Orange NSW 2800

At the end of counting today, the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party is ahead by 78 votes on a two-party preferred basis.  We are not expecting a substantial change from this figure from postal votes arriving before 6:00pm today.

We have no further comments at this time.  More information will be available as it comes to hand.

Download the statement here.