Nationals Boycott of Joint Party Room a Charade

The NSW Nationals threat to go to the crossbench over the Koala SEPP guidelines and new tree protection laws is more smoke and mirrors led by Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis and has now engulfed the whole party in a political charade, orchestrated by the Nationals leader John Barilaro.  

“On one hand we have the Premier waxing lyrical about how great it is to be a “progressive green tory,” whilst the Nationals pretend to advocate for coastal bush seats,” Robert Borsak, leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party said. 

National party ministers, Melinda Pavey, Adam Marshall and John Barilaro rubber-stamped the Koala SEPP and snuck it through during the catastrophic Black Summer bushfires. For the Nationals to pretend they weren’t complicit in its implementation is a lie to the people they allegedly represent. 

“How can anyone in the bush take the Nationals seriously when they have to beg for their supper from a Liberal elite that takes them and their electorates for granted,” Mr Borsak said. 

“If the Nationals want to be taken seriously Mr Barilaro should resign his position as Deputy Premier, quit his portfolios and lead all the Nationals to the crossbench.  

“Whatever happened to the boast that the Nationals are “at the Cabinet table” and “have their hand on the cheque book”, if this were true their current charade would not be necessary,” said Mr Borsak.

The Koala SEPP grossly infringes on the freedom of our farmers and property owners and does so using flawed science. Development proposals are already being disallowed off the back of the new policy.

“So why did the Deputy Premier sign off on it nine months ago? It’s a total charade, tried and tested with greyhounds, council amalgamations and native vegetation laws,” Mr Borsak said. 

“The Coalition government is about delivering for the big end of town donors. There is no plan for the prosperity and growth of rural and regional New South Wales. 

“I met with the Premier in the presence of Mr Barilaro in July and presented our plan for New South Wales (see below), she had not read it and rejected it out of hand with the Deputy Premier.

“John Barilaro has no plan for New South Wales, the only plan he and the Nationals have is for self-preservation at the next election.  

“The Coalition obviously thinks that they will have a better chance over the next two and a half years of survival by pretending that they are no longer in a Coalition.

“Only SFF has a thought-out cohesive plan for the bush, the SFF Compact with New South Wales. 

“Despite the expenditure of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money, the Nationals have shown they are nothing more than the tail on the end of the Liberal party woke-dog, they are useless followers,” said Mr Borsak. 

SFF Compact with NSW:

Download a PDF copy of the press release here.