Parliament Update 14 March 2024 - Supplementary Budget Estimates
Over the past fortnight, Robert and Mark have spent time at Supplementary Budget Estimates questioning ministers and senior public servants in all government departments through the various upper house Portfolio Committees. Budget Estimates are a unique opportunity for members of the Legislative Council (the NSW Upper House) to hold the government and public service accountable and it is where the value of having members in parliament shines. Shooting, fishing and rural lobby groups and organisations may plead with the government to help them, but SFF can scrutinise and embarrass the government into acting by exposing their shortcomings at Budget Estimates.

Parliament Update Monday 4 December 2023
In the final week of Parliament for 2023, Robert and Mark were at it again fighting government incompetence and extreme fringe politics. And there was no lack of nonsensical decisions and crazy ideology which, if allowed to go unchecked would continue to impact on shooters and hunters, fishers of all descriptions and people in rural and regional communities. There was so much garbage that Robert and Mark found themselves leaving Parliament House after midnight more than once.

While we all share the common goal of enhancing community safety, I firmly believe that the Bill, as currently drafted, constitutes an unjustified attack on law-abiding firearm ownership. It appears to be driven more by political concerns than by evidence-based policy making. Rather than targeting responsible firearm owners, I believe that our efforts should be focused on increasing penalties for firearm theft, being in possession of stolen firearms, and the like. The introduction of tougher sentencing for such crimes would undoubtedly be a step in the right direction rather than demonizing licensed firearm holders as this Bill does in its current state.

SFF vows to protect forestry workers under threat by aggressive protesters
Forestry workers in the States north are experiencing illegal protests at their work sites, with one contractor told their machinery would be “burnt to the ground”, says Shooters Fishers and Farmers MLC, Mark Banasiak.

Cashless Gaming Card to cost Jobs in Murray
SFF party spokesman Robert Borsak said today that the position taken by Independent member for Murray Helen Dalton will cause the loss of jobs and income from grants to local communities.

Statement from Robert Borsak MLC: Donato, Butler and Dalton resignations
I wish our former members all the best and can only hope they will continue to fight for their constituencies, and not be coerced by the major parties.
Phil Donato is a good local MP, but he is just that only local.
It’s why we picked him, to be part of the SFF team.

SFF Statement

Parliament Fails NSW Timber Communities
Both sides of politics are responsible for decimating the NSW timber industry following the withdrawal of a government bill that would remove dual consent approvals for private native forestry.