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2021 State Election Results - Media Release

2021 Policies

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State Election 2021 - Candidates

Here are the SFF candidates for the 2021 Tasmania State Election

Sue Gilroy Announced As SFF Candidate For Upper Hunter By-Election

“Our Community Needs Leaders Not Pretenders” – Sue Gilroy Stands for Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party in Upper Hunter

Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Leader Robert Borsak MLC announced the party’s candidate for the Upper Hunter by-election, Sue Gilroy, in Singleton today.

March 2021 - SFF MLC Parliament Newsletter

Berejiklian Taxing the Dead

The Government will tax the dead to cover up their mismanagement of State cemeteries, says Robert Borsak, leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party.


No thought for Farmers in Treasurers Property Tax Reform

The Treasurer has refused to answer questions from Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party leader Robert Borsak MKC who asked if farmers will still receive tax exemptions under a proposed new property tax.  

New Tax, a Covid Cover-Up for Wasteful Spending

The Governments proposed stamp duty reform is nothing more than a Covid wealth tax designed to cover their wasteful spending, according to Robert Borsak, leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party. 

Nats and Greens unite to give more power to the RSPCA

The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party have slammed the NSW Nationals for joining with The Greens to hand more power to the government-sanctioned home invaders the RSPCA.

Kean's Green Team Sabotage Nats LLS Bill

The Government bill, Local Land Services (Miscellaneous) Bill 2020, has been removed from the Parliamentary agenda today because the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party refuse to support the inferior legislation.

The Bill, introduced by the Minister for Agriculture, would have the Department of Environment play a pivotal role in the agriculture and timber industries by allowing for the sub categorisation of land, by regulation.

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