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Essential Energy leaves Trundle and Peak Hill in the dark

Residents of Trundle and Peak Hill could be left in the dark for hours if their Essential Energy depots are closed.

Upton’s Hypocritical Council Amalgamation Flip-Flop

Local Government Minister Gabrielle Upton has one rule on Council amalgamations for the city elites, and another rule for everybody else.

Stop The Tax on Nurses and Paramedics

Did you know that the New South Wales Government's $4.5 billion budget surplus is built on a tax on nurses and paramedics?

Our Submission to the 2017 Firearms Regulation Review

Recreational hunting is under attack by the New South Wales Government, under the watch of the National Party and the Liberal Party. Here's our submission to fight for your rights.

Nationals MPs Hide Behind Liberal Minister on Council Amalgamations Bill

The National Party aren't listening to community anger at forced Council amalgamations, they're just hiding behind the Liberal Party.

Government Can’t Hide From Council Amalgamations

The Government has done everything they can to avoid anybody voting on forced Council amalgamations - but thanks to Philip Donato, that could change.

SFF Council Referendums Bill Frightens Government Into Half-Baked Response

The only reason the New South Wales Government is backing down on Council amalgamations is because a bill from Philip Donato is due for debate next Thursday.

Nationals Put Hunting Under Attack: Risking $120m and 860 Jobs

The national Party are increasing regulation on farmers allowing hunters access to their land, and this places $120 million and 860 jobs at risk every year.

NSW Government Attacks Recreational Hunting

Recreational hunting is under attack by the New South Wales Government, under the watch of the National Party and the Liberal Party - but now you have a chance to stop them.

Are "power-brokers" letting us run out of power?

As prices rise, John Preston says that electricity policy is seemingly being made in a telephone booth by the two people running the New South Wales Liberal Party: Energy Minister Don Harwin, and the lobbyist for AGL Energy Michael Photios.

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