All News

Stop the $18.64m School Brain Drain

$331.50 in taxes from every voter in Orange is being taken from our local schools by the State and Federal Governments.

$11.78m Cut From Schools in Orange

Philip Donato won't stand idly by while the National Party let $11.78m be cut from Orange's schools.

Prisons Have 24/7 Nurses. Nursing Homes Don't!

Did you know that convicted criminals like Milton Orkopolous, Neddy Smith and Roger Rogerson are guaranteed 24/7 nursing care in Long Bay Gaol, but they wouldn’t get this guarantee if they were in a nursing home?

"Ammo Bill" to be Repealed

The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party celebrates a massive win today, securing a repeal of the controversial "Ammo Bill" by the NSW Government.

Keeping the Rural Fire Service 'Rural'

Moving the Rural Fire Service Headquarters from Sydney to Orange, Parkes, or Dubbo is back on the agenda following the announcement of a Parliamentary inquiry.

“Health Hazzard” Minister Admits to Lying to Parliament

Brad Hazzard struggled to argue why nursing homes don't need registered nurses yesterday, but he also lied to Parliament.

National Party in Disarray on Eve of Nursing Homes Bill

For some unknown reason the National Party is opposing our nursing homes bill after supporting it in the Legislative Council.

Donato to Pass Landmark Nursing Homes Bill

We need registered nurses in nursing homes, and Philip Donato will introduce a bill to make sure that happens.

Seniors deserve answers for Adam Marshall’s betrayal

The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party has been trying to reinstate a requirement for nursing home residents to have access to a registered nurse - but National Party Minister Adam Marshall has been preparing a secret campaign to stop it.

“There Will Be Blackouts Next Summer”: SFF Blocks Green Attack on Hunter Region Power Generation

While The Greens are grandstanding for the inner-city, New South Wales faces the uncertain prospect of where we will get our electricity.

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