Ban by stealth: Government sets up the greyhound racing industry for failure
The New South Wales Government announced their response to the Greyhound Industry Reform Panel's report - and it's not good news for greyhound racing.

Donato stands with local surveyors and lawyers opposed to LPI sell-off
The New South Wales Government quietly rushed the sale of the land titles registry through Parliament last year, and local surveyors in the Central West aren't pleased.

Government Confirms Construction Date for Orange Hospital Car Park
Just two weeks after Philip Donato puts pressure on the Government to deliver the promised Orange Hospital car park, construction begins... but the Nationals are playing petty politics with projects.

NFA Changes Could Place Commonwealth Games at Risk
Changes flagged by the new National Firearms Agreement could affect elite pistol shooting athletes at the 2018 Commonwealth Games and Gladys Berejikliak's bid to host the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Sydney.
Yet New South Wales Police Minister Troy Grant remains silent on what he will rule-in and rule-out.
Knee-Jerk Firearms Law Changes Make it Harder for Law-Abiding Firearms Owners, But Easier for Criminals
While Police Minister Troy Grant is tight-lipped on his plans for the National Firearms Agreement in New South Wales, he must consider firearms law changes carefully. Some in the past have made it easier for criminals, such as the Ammo Bill.

Borsak to Reopen Police Bugging Inquiry
With squabbles continuing in the highest ranks of New South Wales law enforcement, Robert Borsak is seeking answers.

200,000 Recreational Hunters Locked-Out by New NFA
The new National Firearms Agreement was quietly released last month. Changes flagged in it could lock out 230,000 recreational hunters in New South Wales.
Borsak Vindicated
Robert Borsak has been fighting perjury charges from 2016 relating to a successful civil proceeding that he and a business partner brought on in 2010 and 2011.
Throughout the entire process Mr Borsak maintained his innocence and those charges have now been withdrawn by the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions.

Donato’s Inaugural Speech: “The People of Orange Rioted” Against the Status Quo
Our first Lower House Member of Parliament Philip Donato delivered his inaugural speech with a message to the Government: don't forget his electorate.

Stop Running a Protection Racket for Horse Racing
The report into the greyhound racing industry is out - and the industry is still getting robbed 30 per cent of it's funding under the intercode agreement.