NSW News

No thought for Farmers in Treasurers Property Tax Reform

The Treasurer has refused to answer questions from Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party leader Robert Borsak MKC who asked if farmers will still receive tax exemptions under a proposed new property tax.  

New Tax, a Covid Cover-Up for Wasteful Spending

The Governments proposed stamp duty reform is nothing more than a Covid wealth tax designed to cover their wasteful spending, according to Robert Borsak, leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party. 

Nats and Greens unite to give more power to the RSPCA

The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party have slammed the NSW Nationals for joining with The Greens to hand more power to the government-sanctioned home invaders the RSPCA.

Kean's Green Team Sabotage Nats LLS Bill

The Government bill, Local Land Services (Miscellaneous) Bill 2020, has been removed from the Parliamentary agenda today because the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party refuse to support the inferior legislation.

The Bill, introduced by the Minister for Agriculture, would have the Department of Environment play a pivotal role in the agriculture and timber industries by allowing for the sub categorisation of land, by regulation.

Net Zero Reliability from Kean's Green New Deal

Inner-city Minister, Matt Kean's NSW Energy Infrastructure Roadmap will continue New South Wales' march towards an unreliable and higher cost energy network.  

Speaking today after the release of the Policy, the leader of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, Robert Borsak believes this is a smoke and mirrors Policy.

Green and Grubby Government Land Grabs Must Go

Significant increases to environmental zones in rural and regional local government areas will impact the productivity of the agricultural and timber sectors, according to Shooters Fishers and Farmers MLC, Mark Banasiak.

Berejiklian Government Propose New Green Tax

The Government’s plan under Environment Minister Matt Kean to introduce a carbon tax will drive up taxation in the State whilst driving down economic activity, according to leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party, Robert Borsak.  

Government Gambling with our Regions

The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party have today reacted to the Governments planned introduction of a gambling card saying low tech solutions should be the answer rather than fallible and hackable cloud-based solutions.

"This smart technology is no magic bullet to fix problem gambling addiction and behaviour in our State," said leader of the SFF, Robert Borsak. 

Nats Caught Napping While SFF Deliver on Koala SEPP

Mark Banasiak, Upper House Member for the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party has this week moved amendments to the Local Land Services Act in response to the now infamous State Environment Protection Policy (Koala Habitat Protection).

Nationals Boycott of Joint Party Room a Charade

The NSW Nationals threat to go to the crossbench over the Koala SEPP guidelines and new tree protection laws is more smoke and mirrors led by Clarence MP Chris Gulaptis and has now engulfed the whole party in a political charade, orchestrated by the Nationals leader John Barilaro.  

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