NSW News

Success in State Forests

Following extensive lobbying to the Minister for Agriculture to lift state forest restrictions and open them back up to hunting, Mark Banasiak can confirm it will happen on Friday, 8 May.

Premier Must Sack Barilaro and Constance

The events surrounding the on again off preselection tussle between Deputy Premier John Barilaro and Transport Minister Andrew Constance regarding the Eden-Monaro byelection is in a word a disgraceful circus according to leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers party Robert Borsak.

R Licences - Renew in time for reopening of State forests

Everyone I talk to in the hunting fraternity is getting restless.

Why? Because hunting epitomises social distancing. Yet we cannot hunt. The rules around what is in or out when it comes to COVID 19 restrictions has never really made sense to people that love the great outdoors. 

NSW Independent Agriculture Commissioner

Agriculture in NSW is a $17.0 billion industry, that has been ravaged by drought, fires and ongoing neglect by the coalition government since it came to power in March 2011 according to Shooters Fishers and Farmers leader, Robert Borsak.

“The Nationals have made many promises to rural communities about fixing the neglect of the bush caused by Sydney city-centric laws and regulation under 16 years of Labor. 

Transport Minister Does the Runner on Taxi Industry

Minister for Transport Andrew Constance is asleep at the wheel when it comes to the taxi industry.  

“The plight that faces the taxi industry during the COVID-19 pandemic could end their existence ultimately, and the transport minister is nowhere to be seen,” said Mark Banasiak. 

Social distancing a breeze on paintball field

Following the announcement by the premier that isolation restrictions will be eased from May 1st, Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Member for Orange, Phil Donato believes that should include a return to outdoor activities, like paintball.

Fast and faulty

The fast-tracking of planning processes by Government could mean new developments are full of defects if two bills, currently before Parliament, are not dealt with according to the leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party, Robert Borsak.

Hokey Pokey Premier

The Premier and Minister for Education are having difficulty deciding if they should put their left hand in or their right foot out when it comes to the hokey pokey of school decision making.  

In their latest drip feed on Education and COVID-19 they placed the task of how a staggered return to school would play out in the hands of school principals and their leadership teams, which is a hat tip to their much-maligned policy of Local Schools, Local Decisions. 


Leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party The Hon. Robert Borsak MLC acknowledged the Australian Government on their recent announcement of taking advantage of record low oil prices to purchase additional fuel reserves, but regions are key to providing safe and secure infrastructure to store our critical fuel assets.

NSW Government hammers final nail in Regional media

Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party leader Robert Borsak has slammed the NSW Government decision to remove the requirement for local councils to advertise in local newspapers, at a time when newspapers are dying due to lack of advertising revenue.

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