NSW News

Piccoli Resignation Gives a Fresh Start to Murray Electorate

Another National Party Member of Parliament who cares more about themselves than their electorate: Adrian Piccoli is about to announce his retirement as he secures a cushy job in Sydney.

Stop the “Whack-a-Mole” Cuts to Murrumbidgee LHD

Murrumbidgee Local Health District is playing a game of ‘whack-a-mole’ with funding cuts to hospitals. Temora Hospital's obstetrics theatre was cut after cuts to Griffith Hospital were reversed.

Health Hazzard Brad’s Communication Breakdown is His Own Making

Health Hazard Brad is blaming everybody but himself for his mistakes in the Health portfolio - but still hasn't guaranteed Temora's obstetrics theatre.

Nationals Selling Short Rural New South Wales

The Nationals are trying to impress rural NSW with $500 million, but the electorate of Orange was promised $300 million in last year's by-election.

Hazzard: Give Temora Hospital the Same 100% Guarantee You Gave to Orange

Minister Hazzard must give a "100% guarantee" for services at Temora Hospital, just like he did for Orange Hospital.

Temora to Lose Obstetric Theatre Despite $4.5bn Surplus

The National Party claim they have their "hand on the cheque book", but Temora hospital still has to close their obstetric theatre on August 31.

Upper Hunter Nationals MP Discovers Coal

After 873 days in office and a week of flip-flop thought bubbles, Upper Hunter Nationals MP decides to support our policy for a new coal-fired power station.

Essential Energy leaves Trundle and Peak Hill in the dark

Residents of Trundle and Peak Hill could be left in the dark for hours if their Essential Energy depots are closed.

Upton’s Hypocritical Council Amalgamation Flip-Flop

Local Government Minister Gabrielle Upton has one rule on Council amalgamations for the city elites, and another rule for everybody else.

Stop The Tax on Nurses and Paramedics

Did you know that the New South Wales Government's $4.5 billion budget surplus is built on a tax on nurses and paramedics?

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