John “Farnham” Barilaro embarks on his latest farewell Basin Plan tour
NSW Nationals leader John Barilaro has now made more threats to withdraw from the Murray Darling Basin Plan than John Farnham has done farewell tours, says SFF Murray MP Helen Dalton.

SFF Puts Pedal to the Metal on Support for Sydney Speedway
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party Leader, Robert Borsak is supporting the Sydney Speedway and their fight against the compulsory acquisition of their current site by Government.
Sydney Speedway representatives were told in October that the site they have occupied for 42 years would be required as mustering yards for the M4 Western Motorway and had to relocate.

While Fires Ravage Farms Minister Kean Needs to Pull his Head out of his Suburban Bucket of Water
Leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party, Robert Borsak, will today move a notice of motion to introduce a bill giving residents with homes neighbouring National Parks and Reserves should have the right to back burn, creating fire breaks to protect their properties, houses, stock, fencing and machinery.

SFF Puts Steak Through Vegan Terrorists
In an Australian first, the SFF moved amendments to guarantee a Right to Farm for all farms and business dealing with animals or animal products. This includes: sales yards, feed lots, abattoirs, butchers, rodeos, circuses, timber mills etc.

Due Time for Right to Farm
Following years of campaigning by the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party for our farmers and animal enterprises, the debate on the Right to Farm legislation has finally begun in the Upper House of NSW Parliament, said MLC Robert Borsak, leader of the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party.

Coroner's Finding on Pill testing Too Much to Swallow
Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party leader Robert Borsak believes this government should promote a wide scale health education campaign designed to discourage drug taking and educate those thinking of using drugs at music festivals.

Grass is Greener on other side of the Bridge for MP Steph Cooke
Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke is ignoring major road infrastructure upgrades in a bid to gain popularity in neighbouring electorates according to Shooters, Fishers and Farmers MLC Mark Banasiak.
We climbed to the Hilltop - John Tingle and David Cook
The Hilltop Sporting Complex in the Illawarra has been a 38-year labour of love for Shooters, Fishers and Farmers party founder John Tingle and long time party member David Cook.
This Government has tried to claim it's success as their own.
See the article for John Tingle's personal story of the trials and tribulations of the Hilltop Sporting Complex.
Liberals and Nationals vote against regional hospital boost - Media Release
19 September 2019
Media release: Liberals and Nationals vote against regional hospital boost
Following an ABC Four Corners episode highlighting tragedies in regional hospitals, the Liberals and Nationals voted down a motion to boost regional healthcare funding in NSW Parliament on Wednesday.
The public interest debate motion, led by Murray SFF MP Helen Dalton, called on NSW Parliament to recognise the crisis in regional healthcare, audit all regional hospital to identify gaps in services and commit to boost funding to fill these gaps.
In response, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard moved to delete the entire wording of Mrs Dalton’s motion and replace it with a motion stating the NSW Government has done more than any other government in history to improve regional healthcare.
He also attacked Mrs Dalton personally, saying she was too argumentative.
“Mr Speaker, if you want to find out how sick someone is, what’s the first thing you should check?” Mrs Dalton said in her speech.
“Their blood pressure? Temperature? Pulse? Heart beat?”
“No, the first thing you should check is their postcode”
“Because in NSW, where you live, determines how long you will live”
“ABC’s Four Corners brought [a] crisis into the spotlight last week. In regional hospitals across Australia, people are dying early due to one thing, lack of funding,”
“Twenty years ago, people in regional NSW actually lived longer, on average, than those in Sydney,”
“In my part of the world, Murrumbidgee, we now die five years earlier. In the far west, it’s a six-year death gap.”
“If this government can build a $500 million Broken Hill pipeline in less than a year, bypassing all due process, there’s no reason why nearby regional hospitals should be waiting more than decade for much needed upgrades”.
Mrs Dalton highlighted a number of problems in regional hospitals she said were related directly to lack of funding, including the fact Leeton hospital has been without a single doctor on-call for 12 of the past 14 days.
Independent Wagga MP Joe McGirr, a doctor, also spoke in favour of the motion. But Mr Hazzard’s amended wording was passed 48-42 by the House.